Revision as of 18:07, 23 April 2024 by Bwiki (talk | contribs) (add info about shut down)
The service's logo.

BOUNCING Polls was a service where you can vote for polls normally suggested and/or created by the BOUNCING Community. The current version was released on September 8th 2022, but older versions go down to 2020.

It was officially shut down on April 22nd, 2024.


Sometime in 2021-January 2022, BOUNCING Polls got permanently lost due to a Hosting provider outage. Following that, it had to be rewritten from scratch. This wasn't in BOUNCING's priority list, but it eventually got released in September 10th 2022, under The Monoteto, 4DS and BOUNCING Console apps were also updated that day, even though BOUNCING Console was discontinued in 2021.

After September 17th 2022, no new polls were created. It would stay like that until February 1st 2024.

On February 1st 2024, it was announced that the service would be ending, but the 5 final polls would be sent for users to vote on the final days of the service. After the shut down, the website would become an archive, and if it became too difficult for BOUNCING to maintain the website, it would be shut down.

The final poll was announced to be live in April 20th 2024, through Metabouncii[1]. The Polls website was also updated to play a song from "Splatoon 2" when you navigated through the website. After the final poll's results were announced, Polls' website would enter its archived mode, and the Metabouncii community would be locked.

Shut Down

All times are in the GMT-3 timezone.

On 15:30 PM, the results of the poll were in. "✮I would like to experience an event again!✮" was the winner.

At approximately 17:49 PM, BOUNCING Network would no longer support logins from Polls. This resulted in a error message when trying to log in (which is now permanently present after the shut down).

At 17:52 PM, minutes after the logins were disabled, the general APIs of the website would be shut down, causing the entire website to return an error, which meant you couldn't even view polls from the home page, or even search for polls.

At 18:14 PM, it was announced this would be temporary, and that the APIs would come back. What caused them to disable it was because there was an exploit that allowed you to register votes after a poll ended. On that same time, the APIs came back, but the vote API was shut down completely so the exploit couldn't be performed. The Splatoon 2 song had been also removed from the website, and the announcement message on the top of the header was updated.

At 22:23 PM, 6 hours after the final poll's results were out, the Metabouncii community was locked, the app would be put off-sale on the BOUNCING Store, and the help article would be updated. This concluded the shut down.

Poll History (Current Version)

Options in Bold means that they were the most voted options, meaning the winners of a poll.

Poll ID Question Option 1 Option 2 Number of Votes Results Date
1 Would you prefer... Live in a big house alone Live in a medium house with your best friends 19 September 10th 2022
2 You completed a game! Will you continue playing it? Yes! Or even, complete it again! No! #@$% this! 18 September 10th 2022
3 Uh oh, your console has stopped working! What will you do to make it work again? Send it to a repair shop Try to repair it yourself 16 September 10th 2022
4 Which do you prefer? Cats Dogs 30 September 10th 2022
5 Chicken or Egg? Chicken Egg 5 September 17th 2022
6 Would you prefer Money or Love? I would prefer Money I would prefer Love 9 September 17th 2022
7 Chaos or Order? Choose wisely. Chaos... HAHAHA! Order, hm. 23 September 18th 2022
8 Modern consoles or Retro consoles? Modern consoles Retro consoles 12 September 18th 2022
9 Your mom is calling you! Will you pick up or not? Pick up the call Do not pick up 26 September 19th 2022
10 Do you prefer...


Dogs Cats 8 February 2nd 2024
11 Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Yes, I'm practically a contortionist! No, I'm not that flexible. 12 February 3rd 2024
12 Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza? Yes! It is a sweet addition! Ugh, absolutely NO! 26 February 3rd 2024
13 ✮Final poll! Should Metabouncii: Apocalypse be the last team event, or should we have re-runs?✮ ✮I would like to experience an event again!✮ ✮Maybe different types of events would be cooler.✮ 31 April 22nd 2024